In the section Articles
Title of the article Macroregional Forecast of the Long-Term Development of Russia’s Energy Sector
Pages 60-90
Author 1 Alexander Semenovich Nekrasov
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Director
Institute of Economic Forecasting RAS
47 Nakhimovsky Prospect, Moscow, Russia, 117418
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Author 2 Yuri Vladimirovich Sinyak
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher
Institute of Economic Forecasting RAS
47 Nakhimovsky Prospect, Moscow, Russia, 117418
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Abstract The article presents the results of the long-term forecast of development of the national fuel-and-power industries in the context of three macro-regions – the European part, Ural and Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East. Two economic scenarios are considered: the inertial one which implies faint efforts for structural modernization of the economy and, as consequence, low rates of economic growth; and the dynamic one which implies active transformations in the national economy and increased rates of growth within the nearest 20-25 years. An estimate has been given of the expected exchanges of fuel and energy between regions, taking into account the development of the own fuel base and predicted export of fuel and electric power in the west and east directions
Code 338.27(470):620.9
DOI 10.14530/se.2005.1.060-090
Keywords Fuel ♦ energy ♦ fuel resources ♦ energy balance ♦ interregional exchange of fuel and energy ♦ CO2 emissions ♦ investments
Download SE.2005.1.060-090.Nekrasov.pdf
For citation Nekrasov A.S., Sinyak Yu.V. Macroregional Forecast of the Long-Term Development of Russia’s Energy Sector. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2005, no. 1, pp. 60-90. DOI: 10.14530/se.2005.1.060-090. (In Russian).
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6. World Energy Outlook 2004. International Energy Agency. Paris, 2004.
7. Assessment Results Summary – Russia. World Petroleum Assessment 2000. USGS, 2001.

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ISSN (Online) 2587-5957

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