1. Thematic focus

The journal "Spatial Economics" publishes original articles containing the research findings within the overall scientific direction “Economics” (5.2).

2. Terms of publication

Articles are accepted on a fixed schedule:

No. 1 (March) – until January, 15 (of the current year);

No. 2 (June) – until April, 15 (of the current year);

No. 3 (September) – until July, 15 (of the current year);

No. 4 (December) – until October, 15 (of the current year).

3. Publication fees

The publication of manuscripts is free of charge.

4. Responsibility of authors

The authors should ensure that submitted manuscripts are unpublished and original (not less than 70% of the text), i.e. they do not contain elements of plagiarism and unfair borrowing.

5. Copyright

The dispatch of an article to the editorial staff is seen as an orally agreement on the transfer to the publisher the right to use the author’s work (p. 2; art. 1286; The Civil Code of The Russian Federation) in printed and electronic forms (distribution, processing, public use, making available, partial or full assignment of the rights on contract terms to third parties). The publication acceptance of an article implies a free lifetime assignment of non-exclusive copyright to the publisher. All exclusive rights remain with the authors. The journal materials reprint and placement on third-party resources are allowed only by agreement with the editors.

6. Author's copy

In the case of publication of the article, the author receives a free copy of the journal.

7. Responsibility of the editors

All articles which are submitted to the journal and meet the stated below requirements shall be recorded and subjected to double-blind review. A decision to accept or reject the article, or the need to upgrade it depends on the review. A reasoned decision shall be sent to the authors. The review period is 1 month.

8. The editors’ rights

The editorial board and staff reserve the right to reject articles that do not meet the following requirements. The editors are not obligated to review all incoming material and do not enter a discussion with the authors of rejected manuscripts.

9. Articles’ requirements

Publication materials

The editors of the journal "Spatial Economics" take into consideration the following materials:

• research papers of up to 40,000 characters, including references, tables and illustrations with captions;

• reviews of books and articles, discussion, criticism;

• surveys;

• chronicle of major events in academic life.

Materials for publication should be submitted in electronic form in Russian or English.

Title page of an article

The title page of an article should contain the following information in Russian and English: JEL, UDC, article title, first names, patronymics and last names of the authors.

Information about the author

Information about the author should be presented in Russian and English and include following: first name, patronymic and last name; academic degree and title, position; full legal name of the institution and its postal address, author’s contacts for publication use (phone, fax, e-mail address), ORCID ID


An abstract should be placed before the main text of an article, containing about 200 words in Russian and 250 words in English. It should reflect the subject of research, its goal, methods, main results and their application areas, and conclusions. An abstract should be followed by 3 to 8 keywords or phrases consisting of no more than three word each.


The format of submitted materials should meet the following requirements. Texts should be formatted to suit A4 sheets. The font style should be Times New Roman (Times New Roman Cyr should not be used), 12 pt, with 1.5 line spacing.

The text should be typed in MS Word 2003-2007 as a file with extension .doc, .docx or .rtf. The file name should begin with the first author's surname. It is also desirable to include in the file name words from the article’s title. For example: <Ivanov buble economy.doc> or <Petrov models.1I>.

The text should contain references to all tables and illustrations. Repeat of the same data in the text, illustrations and tables is not allowed.

Standard abbreviations should be used (GOST 7.12-93 for Russian and GOST 7.11-78 for European languages), avoiding new ones unless for good reason. Abbreviations that are not common should be expanded at first usage and remain unchanged throughout the text. Acronyms and abbreviations that are used only in the table should be explained in a table’s footnote.


Tables should be numbered continuously through the entire article. All tables should have titles. Tables should be placed directly into the text in the same format as the text, through the options “Table/Insert”, “Table/Table AutoFormat”.

Each column must have a header; gaps in the cells should be indicated as follows: no information available: (...), an insignificant value: (*), indicating the value below the table (e.g., less than 1%), the phenomenon is absent (-).

Under each table a reference to the data source(s) must be placed.


Illustrations should be numbered continuously, but each illustration should be presented as a separate file. The file name should be formed of the first author's surname and reference to the illustration number. For example: <ivanov fig1.cdr>, <petrov fig2.jpg>. All illustrations should be done in black and white.

Illustrations, diagrams, photographs, etc. should be presented in vector or raster formats, suitable for integration in computer-aided makeup: *.cdr, *.tif, *.gif, *.jpg, etc. Images should be clear, appropriate for reproduction. The hatching and shading must be simple but very distinct while printing. The vector and bitmap images should be kept in the versions that enable computer editing.

In case the illustration is a diagram made in Excel, it should be presented in the form of Excel-file (*.xls) with preservation of numerical data by which the diagram has been constructed, to enable editing of the illustration.


Formulas should be typed in the editor Microsoft Equation 3.0 and kept in one style throughout the document. Formulas that do not require special mathematical symbols should be typed directly by means of Word.


Sources of publications, to which references are made, should be checked with the originals and cited under the heading “References” on a separate sheet by an alphabetical list in the following order:

• works published in Russian;

• works published in languages using the Latin alphabet;

• works published in foreign languages that do not use the Latin alphabet, should be described in the Russian translation, indicating the original language.

References should be given in alphabetical order by surnames of first authors, in the case of multiple works by one author — by year of publication, in the case of the same year of publications of the same author — in alphabetical order by the names of papers. References to the literature in the text should be given in brackets. Directly quoted text should be cited in quotes. In this case, page numbers also should be given in brackets: (Ivanov, 2017, p. 6; Development..., 2003). If there are several references in the same brackets, they should be separated by a semicolon.

If the source of publication has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it should be specified. Checking out the article on the presence of a DOI can be done with the CrossRef database.


If a section “Acknowledgements” is included in the article, it should be placed after the conclusion and before References.

10. Published materials do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff or board.

ISSN (Print) 1815-9834
ISSN (Online) 2587-5957

Minakir Pavel Aleksandrovich,

Journal’s Founder


Artem Isaev
Tel.: +7 (4212) 725-225
Fax: +7 (4212) 225-916
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Samokhina Lyudmila
Executive Editor
Tel.: +7 (4212) 725-230
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Tel.: +7 (4212) 725-230
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To Editorial Staff of “Spatial Economics”
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153 Tikhookeanskaya St., Khabarovsk, RUSSIA, 680042



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