In the section Articles
Title of the article Foreign Economic Development Factor of the Russian Far East
Pages 46-59
Author Elena Ibragimovna Devaeva
Candidate of Economics, Head of Department
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153 Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042
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Abstract Characteristic of the role of foreign trade in the economy of the Russian Far East is given. Prospects for the development of the region’s foreign trade cooperation within the framework of realization of the concept of Socio-Economic Development Strategy of the Far East till 2025 and for the period up to 2030 are considered
Code 339.5
DOI 10.14530/se.2008.2.046-059
Keywords Region ♦ foreign economic cooperation ♦ NEA countries ♦ foreign trade ♦ the Russian Far East
Download SE.2008.2.046-059.Devaeva.pdf
For citation Devaeva E.I. Foreign Economic Development Factor of the Russian Far East. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2008, no. 2, pp. 46-59. DOI: 10.14530/se.2008.2.046-059. (In Russian).
References 1. Деваева Е. И. Экономическое сотрудничество в СВА: региональные аспекты. — Хабаровск: ДВО РАН, 2004.
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4. Минакир П. А., Писаренко Н. Б. Взаимосвязь межрайонных связей и экспортного производства в отраслях специализации // Совершенствование межрайонных экономических связей на Дальнем Востоке. Владивосток, 1978.
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6. Экономика Дальнего Востока: пять лет реформ. Хабаровск: ДВО РАН, 1998.
7. Экономическое сотрудничество Дальнего Востока России и стран АТР / отв. ред. П. А. Минакир; ИЭИ ДВО РАН. Хабаровск: РИОТИП, 2007.
Financing The article was prepared with the support of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences project No. 06-III-A-10-429, a grant from the Russian State Scientific Innovation Fund, supported by the Regional Expert Council "Assessment of probable reactions of foreign trade and investment interactions of the Russian Far East with APR countries for the forthcoming accession of Russia to the WTO", grant No. 070288202a/T

ISSN (Print) 1815-9834
ISSN (Online) 2587-5957

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