In the section Messages
Title of the article Spatial Sciences and their Role in Studying Spatial Formations Economics
Pages 147-156
Author Boris Khananovich Krasnopolskiy
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153 Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042
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Abstract Characteristic is given of conceptual issues of the so-called “spatial sciences” and opportunities for using their methodological tools and techniques to conduct interdisciplinary research in the field of spatial economics. Ways are determined to coordinate the conceptual approaches of these disciplines based on a single subject of research in order to further conduct specific research activities to improve the spatial development of the national economy
Code 330
DOI 10.14530/se.2010.1.147-156
Keywords Spatial science ♦ spatial economics ♦ research areas ♦ methodology and techniques ♦ research tools ♦ theoretical and practical results
Download SE.2010.1.147-156.Krasnopolskiy.pdf
For citation Krasnopolskiy B.Kh. Spatial Sciences and their Role in Studying Spatial Formations Economics. (In Russian).
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Financing The article was prepared with the support of the grant of the FEB RAS program 09-I-P24-01

ISSN (Print) 1815-9834
ISSN (Online) 2587-5957

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To Editorial Staff of “Spatial Economics”
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