In the section Messages
Title of the article Labor Market in Single-Industry Towns: Current Situation and Prospects
Pages 119-135
Author Ekaterina Andreevna Efimova
Candidate of Economics, Doctoral Student
Совет по изучению производительных сил/Council for the Study of Productive Forces
7 Vavilova Street, Moscow, Russia, 117312
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Abstract Problems of core enterprises and their impact on the labor market in onecompany towns are shown. Based on statistics for 2009-the first half of 2010 an analysis is given of main indicators of the labor market development in one-company towns. Behavioral patterns of core companies amid crisis are presented and their characteristics are given. It is shown that in many single-industry towns significant changes have occurred and positive tendencies shown, but in fact the problem of one-company towns in the Russian economy remains unresolved
Code 331.5.024.54
DOI 10.14530/se.2011.1.119-135
Keywords Labor market ♦ one-company town ♦ core company ♦ monopsony ♦ employment ♦ unemployment ♦ tension ♦ modernization ♦ behavioral models
Download SE.2011.1.119-135.Efimova.pdf
For citation Efimova E.A. Labor Market in Single-Industry Towns: Current Situation and Prospects. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2011, no. 1, pp. 119-135. DOI: 10.14530/se.2011.1.119-135. (In Russian).
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