In the section Messages
Title of the article Russia’s Far East: Implementing Program Measures in 2010
Pages 152-165
Author Olga Mikhailovna Prokapalo
Doctor of Economics, Scientific Secretary
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153 Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042
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Abstract As part of monitoring the implementation of the Federal Target Program «Economic and Social Development of the Far East and Trans-Baikal Region until 2013» the results of its implementation in 2010 are given. Considered are adjustments of financial resources, their territorial distribution, implementation of program activities on the construction, reconstruction and modernization of facilities of the transport system, power sector, and social infrastructure
Code 338.26(571.6)
DOI 10.14530/se.2011.1.152-165
Keywords Program ♦ subprogram ♦ adjustments ♦ financing ♦ facilities ♦ summit ♦ APEC ♦ Russian Far East ♦ Trans-Bailkal ♦ Vladivostok
Download SE.2011.1.152-165.Prokapalo.pdf
For citation Prokapalo O.M. Russia’s Far East: Implementing Program Measures in 2010. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2011, no. 1, pp. 152-165. DOI: 10.14530/se.2011.1.152-165. (In Russian).
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3. The Opera House will be opened in Vladivostok in 2012 [V 2012 godu vo Vladivostoke otkrojut teatr opery i baleta]. Available at: / news.html? id = 515 568 & cid = 178
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5. Dal’nevostochnyj capital – Far Eastern capital, 2010, no. 11.
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7. The construction of another road segment Lidoga – Vanino was finished [Zavershilos' stroitel'stvo ewe odnogo uchastka dorogi Lidoga – Vanino]. Available at:
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10. The site materials management of the Far Eastern Russian Ministry of Regional Development. Available at:
11. Proceedings of the site «Yakutskenergo». Available at: press /? id = 1863
12. The site materials company «Energo Engineering Center». Available at:
13. Proceedings of the site. Available at:
14. Medvedev will start the pipeline Sobolevo – Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky [Medvedev zapustit gazoprovod Sobolevo – Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskij]. Available at:
15. Modernization of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk HPP-1 is proceeding according to the schedule [Modernizacija Juzhno-Sahalinskoj TJeC-1 idet po grafiku]. Available at: http://
16. Bridge across Golden Horn Bay will be completed by the end of the year [Most cherez buhtu Zolotoj Rog budet dostroen do konca goda]. Available at: http://vestiregion. ru/2011/01/13/most-cherez-buxtu-zolotoj-rog-budet-dostroen-do-konca-goda
17. The first section of Anavgai – Palana was commissioned in Kamchatka [Na Kamchatke sdan v jekspluataciju pervyj uchastok avtozimnika Anavgaj – Palana]. Available at:
18. The decorating and improvement of campus has been started on the Russian Island [Na Russkom pristupili k otdelke i blagoustrojstvu kampusa]. Dal’nevostochnyj capital – Far Eastern capital, 2010, no. 12.
19. Construction of the 4th«gas» power Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk CHP-1 has begun [Nachato stroitel'stvo 4-go «gazovogo» jenergobloka Juzhno-Sahalinskoj TJeC-1]. Available at:
20. The new hydropower station will start working in the Ust-Bolsheretsk area [Novaja gidrojelektrostancija zarabotaet v Ust'-Bol'shereckom rajone]. Available at: / news / show /? id = 46 036 & r
21. The new hydroelectric power plant was launched on the Kamchatka Peninsula [Novaja gidrojelektrostancija puwena na Kamchatke]. Available at:
22. New Kuznetsovsky tunnel [Novyj Kuznecovskij tonnel']. Available at: = & date_end = & id = 111 942
23. Amendments to the Russian Federation Government Resolution dated April 15, 1996, № 480, the Russian Government regulation dated 21.11.2007 № 801 [O vnesenii izmenenij v Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 15 aprelja 1996 g. № 480: post. Pravitel'stva RF ot 21.11.2007 № 801]. Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tantPljus – Reference Legal System Consultant.
24. Amendments to the Federal Target Program «Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia until 2013» and the Russian Federation Government Resolution of 24 December 2008, № 975 on: the Russian Government regulation dated 08.12.2010 № 1004 [O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nuju celevuju programmu «Jekonomicheskoe i social'noe razvitie Dal'nego Vostoka i Zabajkal'ja na period do 2013 goda» i Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 24 dekabrja 2008 g. № 975: ost. Pravitel'stva RF ot 08.12.2010 № 1004]. Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tantPljus – Reference Legal System Consultant.
25. Amendments to the Federal Target Program «Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia until 2013» [O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nuju celevuju programmu «Jekonomicheskoe i social'noe razvitie Dal'nego Vostoka i Zabajkal'ja na period do 2013 goda]: the Russian Government regulation dated 25.08.2008 № 644. Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tantPljus – Reference Legal System Consultant.
26. Amendments to the Federal Target Program «Economic and social development of the Far East and Transbaikalia until 2013»» [O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal'nuju celevuju programmu «Jekonomicheskoe i social'noe razvitie Dal'nego Vostoka i Zabajkal'ja na period do 2013 goda]: the Russian Government regulation dated 28.11.2009 № 965. Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tantPljus – Reference Legal System Consultant.
27. On the Federal Target Program «Economic and social development Far East and Transbaikalia 1996-2005 and until 2010» [O Federal'noj celevoj programme «Jekonomicheskoe i social'noe razvitie Dal'nego Vostoka i Zabajkal'ja na 1996–2005 i do 2010 goda»]: the Russian Government regulation dated 19.03.2002 № 169 (as amended on 21.11.2007). Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tantPljus – Reference Legal System Consultant.
28. «Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP» will receive 1 billion roubles for construction of stations [OAO «Ust'-Srednekanskaja GJeS» poluchit 1 mlrd rublej na stroitel'stvo stancii]. Available at:
29. On approval of the strategy of socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region in 2025 [Ob utverzhdenii Strategii social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Dal'nego Vostoka i Bajkal'skogo regiona na period do 2025 goda]: the disposal of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28.12.2009 № 2094-r. Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tantPljus – Reference Legal System Consultant.
30. On approval of the Federal Target Program «Economic and social development in the Far East and Transbaikalia until 2013» [Ob utverzhdenii Federal'noj celevoj programmy «Jekonomicheskoe i social'noe razvitie Dal'nego Vostoka i Zabajkal'ja na period do 2013 goda»]: the Russian Government regulation dated 15.04.1996 № 480 (as amended on 08.12.2010). Spravochnaja pravovaja sistema Konsul'tantPljus – Reference Legal System Consultant.
31. Reliance of the south side of the bridge across the Golden Horn Bay in Vladivostok reached the point of 163.91 meters [Opora juzhnoj storony mosta cherez buhtu Zolotoj Rog vo Vladivostoke dostigla otmetki 163,91 metra]. Available at:
32. The development of deposits of the Tunguska is in process [Osvoenie Tungusskogo mestorozhdenija prodolzhaetsja]. Dal’nevostochnyj capital – Far Eastern capital, 2010, no. 12.
33. The first object of the APEC summit: Vladivostok water supply increased [Pervyj ob#ekt sammita ATJeS: podacha vody Vladivostoku uvelichena]. Available at: http://
34. The results of the work at the facilities of the APEC summit 2012 in 2010 were summed up [Podvedeny itogi raboty na obektah sammita ATJeS-2012 v 2010 godu]. Proceedings of the site of the Far Eastern Russian Ministry of Regional Development Directorate. Available at:
35. Primorsky section of the pipeline «Sakhalin – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok» is built on one third [Primorskij uchastok gazoprovoda «Sahalin – Habarovsk – Vladivostok» postroen na tret']. Available at:
36. Builders of the bridge on Russian island, Vladivostok, began assembling of cable knots [Stroiteli mosta na o. Russkij vo Vladivostoke pristupili k montazhu vantovyh uzlov]. Available at:
37. «FGC UES» plans in the 2ndhalf to complete construction of 500 kV lines for the power output of R / V sources of the Amur region to China. Available at: http://www.
38. Power engineering specialists took the gas [Jenergetiki prinjali gaz]. Dal'nevostochnyjcapital– FarEasterncapital, 2010, no. 10.
Financing The article was prepared with the support of the projects: No. 09-I-P24-01, No. 09-II-UO-10-001, No. 09-I-UN-01

ISSN (Print) 1815-9834
ISSN (Online) 2587-5957

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