In the section Articles
Title of the article Prospects and Conditions for Cooperation between Russia, the Pacific Rim and Eastern Eurasia in the Energy Sector
Pages 29-43
Author 1 Andrey Gennadievich Korzhubaev
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS
17 prospect Akademika Lavrentieva, Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090
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Author 2 Irina Viktorovna Filimonova
Candidate of Economics
Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering SB RAS
17 prospect Akademika Lavrentieva, Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090
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Author 3 Leonty Viktorovich Eder
Candidate of Economics
Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS
3 prospect Akademika Koptug, Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090
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Abstract Potentialities and conditions for cooperation between Russia and countries of the Pacific Rim and Eastern Eurasia in the field of energy are studied, including: geopolitical situation, global trends, energy potential of the Eastern territories and waters of Russia, prospects of energy supply for the Asia-Pacific Region, infrastructure of energy resources and power export from Russia to the Pacific market, priority areas and projects of the energy sector in Eastern Russia, prospects for export of energy resources and power from Russia to the Pacific market
Code 339.9(51)
DOI 10.14530/se..2012.2.029-043
Keywords Oil ♦ gas ♦ coal ♦ population ♦ consumption ♦ production ♦ energy resources ♦ APR ♦ Russia
Download SE.2012.2.029-043.Korzhubaev.pdf
For citation Korzhubaev A.G., Filimonova I.V., Eder L.V. Prospects and Conditions for Cooperation between Russia, the Pacific Rim and Eastern Eurasia in the Energy Sector. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2012, no. 2, pp. 29-43. DOI: 10.14530/se..2012.2.029-043. (In Russian).
References 1. Коржубаев А., Меламед И., Филимонова И. Новые внешнеэкономические приоритеты России: перспективы экспорта энергоносителей в страны АТР и Тихоокеанского Клуба // Oil & Gas Eurasia. 2012. № 1. С. 36–42.
2. Коржубаев А. Г., Эдер Л. В., Мамахатов Т. М. Россия на мировых рынках нефти и нефтепродуктов // Бурение и нефть. 2011. № 5 (Май). URL: (Date обращения: 01.03.2012).

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ISSN (Online) 2587-5957

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