In the section | Messages |
Title of the article | Russia’s Regional Integration into the APR and the APEC Forum |
Pages | 161-164 |
Author |
Oleg Markovich Renzin Candidate of Economics Economic Research Institute FEB RAS 153 Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042 . |
Abstract | Issues of Russia’s presence in the Asia Pacific are studied. Russia’s stance in terms of cooperation in the European and East Asian directions is evaluated. It is shown that for Russia to be actually incorporated into the Asia-Pacific economic space it is essential to develop a new interaction model |
DOI | 10.14530/se.2012.2.161-164 |
Keywords | Integration ♦ cooperation ♦ interaction ♦ model ♦ security ♦ interests ♦ APEC ♦ Asia-Pacific ♦ Russia ♦ Russian Far East |
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For citation | Renzin O.M. Russia’s Regional Integration into the APR and the APEC Forum. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2012, no. 2, pp. 161-164. DOI: 10.14530/se.2012.2.161-164. (In Russian). |
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