In the section Articles
Title of the article Peculiarities of the Spatial Distribution of Productive Forces in the Old-Industrial Area
Pages 28-43
Author 1 Alexander Ivanovich Tatarkin
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of RAS, Director.
Institute of economy UB RAS
29 Moskovskaya Street, Yekaterinburg, Russia; 620014
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Author 2 Irina Valeryevna Makarova
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Sector Head
Institute of economy UB RAS
29 Moskovskaya Street, Yekaterinburg, Russia; 620014
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Author 3 Alexander Petrovich Petrov
Candidate Economics
Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Member of Committee on Public Health
2 Georgievsky per., Moscow, Russia, 103265
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Author 4 Lidiya Mikhaylovna Averina
Leading Economist
Institute of economy UB RAS
29 Moskovskaya Street, Yekaterinburg, Russia; 620014
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Abstract On the example of Sverdlovsk region the authors analyze the distribution of the most important objects of modernization and new construction in the old-industrial area. Considered complexes have three stages of adaptation to changing business circumstances. For each identified phase the authors define the main trends of accommodation and key factors. The study characterizes the metallurgy industry in the following way: the first stage needs point modernization to improve product quality and acquisition of assets of other enterprises in the framework of a unified technological chain for the strengthening of the mineral resources base; the second stage involves the implementation of technical re-equipment programs and production modernization, new construction on reclaimed areas and production diversification; the third stage includes the development of holding companies. For engineering complex the authors consider following: the 1st phase involves the establishment of new manufactures to equip financially viable sectors of the economy and creation of innovative production at defense enterprises within the framework of conversion programs; the 2nd phase needs the restructuring of large machine-building companies; the enhancing of interaction between large and small enterprises of the complex; the formation of engineering companies; the development of integration processes in the defense industry; the establishment of specialized regional technological centers; creation and development of industrial parks; development of new sectors in mechanical engineering; and the 3rd phase includes the development of cluster forms of organization and functioning of industrial enterprises.
Code 332.01
DOI 10.14530/se.2013.4.028-043
Keywords ♦ Old industrial region ♦ metallurgical complex ♦ machine-building complex ♦ objects of modernization and new construction ♦ feature of placement ♦ Sverdlovsk region
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For citation Tatarkin A.I., Makarova I.V., Petrov A.P., Averina L.M. Peculiarities of the Spatial Distribution of Productive Forces in the Old-Industrial Area. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2013, no. 4, pp. 28-43. DOI: 10.14530/se.2013.4.028-043. (In Russian).
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