In the section Surveys
Title of the article Multilevel Hierarchy of Economic Space: Formation of Evolutionary Taxonomy
Pages 122-150
Author 1 Daniil Petrovich Frolov
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Marketing and Advertising Department
Volgograd State University
100 Universitetsky Prospekt, Volgograd, Russia, 400062
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Abstract The article considers methodological problems of hierarchical structuring of economic space. The evolution survey of multilevel analysis concepts reveals a dominant role of two-level (micro- macro) neoclassical models because of the path dependence effect. In institutional and evolutionary theories the application of mesoanalysis and three-level models gradually becomes more active, but conventions in the field of taxonomy are extremely inert. The main methodological problems of a hierarchical taksonomization of economic space include the problem of taxonomical «rupture» of a subject and a method of Economics, the problem of an identification of the level (rank) and scale of economic phenomena, the problem of an identification of subjects and business location, the problem of terminological unification. The author›s hierarchical model of economic space is developed in a context of the generalized evolutionary theory on the basis of multilevel population thinking. The model offers differentiation of industrial and territorial (spatial) division and cooperation of labour and, more widely, economic activity. Branches and generation are treated as objects of the industrial analysis, population and ecocenosis – objects of the spatial analysis that allows reintegration of spatial formations in the system of economic analysis. The study of mesolevels and interlevel relations is particularly important. Institutionalism can be considered as metanarrative, i.e. one of universal languages of Economics. Scales and ranks of the functions assigned to subjects and objects of transactions define level differentiation of institutions’ forms in economic space.
Code 330.8
DOI 10.14530/se.2013.4.122-150
Keywords ♦ еconomic space ♦ «micro-macro» dichotomy ♦ taxonomy ♦ mesoeconomics ♦ nanoeconomics ♦ evolutionary theory ♦ spatial Economics
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For citation Frolov D.P. Multilevel Hierarchy of Economic Space: Formation of Evolutionary Taxonomy. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2013, no. 4, pp. 122-150. DOI: 10.14530/se.2013.4.122-150. (In Russian).
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