In the section Articles
Title of the article Spatial Policy оf Exporting Direct Investments: Features оf China
Pages 79-100
Author 1 Alina Nikolaevna Novopashina
Assistant professor; Junior Research Fellow
Amur State University; Amur Laboratory of Economics and Sociology. Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
21 Ignatyevskoe Road, Blagoveshchensk, Russia, 675027; 153 Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042
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Abstract In recent years, China has shown rapid growth in volumes of foreign direct investment (FDI), which is the consequence of implementing policy. However, the structure of FDI does not correspond to the government-supported areas. Existing theoretical and empirical studies don’t reveal the causes of China’s FDI. Results of the regression analysis (based on panel data for 2003-2010) prove that the most attractive for Chinese investors were countries with following features: 1) rich in mineral resources, 2) possessing advanced technologies, 3) higher than in China income levels, 4) geographic proximity to China and 5) foreign trade openness. Furthermore, features of the current institutional environment in China affect the directions of foreign direct investment. Investors from PRC direct FDI in developing countries which have low quality of institutions as well as China. Investing in these countries is primarily aimed at getting access to their mineral resources and consumer markets. As for investing in developed countries, the reason is acquisition of advanced technologies which they possess. Directions of FDI in these countries, on the contrary, are determined by the high quality of institutions.
Code 339.727.24
DOI 10.14530/se.2014.1.079-100
Keywords ♦ Foreign direct investment ♦ developed countries ♦ developing countries ♦ investment reasons ♦ factors ♦ features ♦ structure ♦ China
Download SE.2014.1.79100.Novopashina.pdf
For citation Novopashina A.N. Spatial Policy оf Exporting Direct Investments: Features оf China. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2014, no. 1, pp. 79-100. DOI: 10.14530/se.2014.1.079-100. (In Russian).
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