In the section Articles
Title of the article Comparative Analysis of Innovative Systems in the Russian Regions
Pages 61-81
Author 1 Nadezhda Nikolaevna Mikheeva
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Chairman.
Council for the Study of Productive Resources
7 Vavilov St., Moscow, Russia, 117997
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Abstract This article was conducted with the financial support of the Program of fundamental studies of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 31, «The Role of Space in the Modernization of Russia: Natural and Socio-Economic Potential» (project 7.2 «Tools of Regional Policy and the Effectiveness of Their Use») Despite the abundance of literature on innovation in the regions, there is no frame of reference about the patterns and mechanisms of formation of regional innovation systems (RIS). So it’s next to impossible to differentiate approaches to stimulation of innovations in the regions taking into account their specific characters. Therefore, the author attempts to formalize the definition of RIS and to provide not only qualitative but also quantitative evaluation of different types of regional innovation systems. This paper is trying to find a set of models of RIS development in Russian regions with specific characters. These regional peculiarities play a key role in a process of selecting methods for further RIS development, including methods of state support of innovation, which are adequate to the characteristics of the regional innovation system. The author obtained the following results: 1) presentation of various approaches to define regional innovative systems; 2) proposition of RIS structure that includes 5 blocks (creation of innovations; production and realization of innovative goods and services in the region; innovative infrastructure of the region; demand for innovations and innovative policy) and 3) development of the system of statistical indicators that characterize RIS. On the basis of formal and substantive analysis of these indicators the researcher defined 6 models of regional innovative systems prevailing in the Russian circumstances.
Code 332.1
DOI 10.14530/se.2014.4.061-081
Keywords ♦ innovations ♦ regional innovative system ♦ innovation data ♦ typology of regional innovative systems ♦ innovative policy ♦ the subjects of the Russian Federation
Download SE.2014.4.061-081.Mikheeva.pdf
For citation Mikheeva N.N. Comparative Analysis of Innovative Systems in the Russian Regions. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2014, no. 4, pp. 61-81. DOI: 10.14530/se.2014.4.061-081. (In Russian).
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