In the section Articles
Title of the article Transformation of Socioeconomic Space: The Role of the State
Pages 38-61
Author 1 Alexander Nikolaevich Shvetsov
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Director on Science
Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences
9 Prospect 60-letiya Octyabrya, Moscow, Russia, 117312
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Abstract Modern Russia is traditionally characterized by a special and strong public participation in solving problems of spatial development. Thus, the state has following diverse roles: 1) the creator of the modern space configuration; 2) the mastermind and main driving force of modern spatial transformations; 3) the regulator and investor of these processes; 4) the main sponsor and beneficiary of space transformation; and, finally, the hostage of its own dominance in the processes of spatial transformation. However, stereotypes are being gradually overcome and public policy in the area of spatial transformations focuses not only on «public projects» but also on self-development of regions, combined with the interests of big business which plays an increasing role in the transformation of socioeconomic space. The article reveals the meaning and content of the problem of systemic interaction between the state and space concerning the modernization of the country. The author explores the range of fundamental research and applied issues resulting from the contradictory combination of traditional (historical) stereotypes and the latest Russian circumstances. These issues determine the background, nature and consequences of state impacts on socio-economic space, as well as the composition, content and validity of the used instruments.
Code 351+332+321
DOI 10.14530/se.2015.1.038-061
Keywords ♦ space ♦ state ♦ modernization ♦ spatial transformations ♦ subject ♦ objects and instruments of state policy of spatial transformations
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For citation Shvetsov A.N. Transformation of Socioeconomic Space: The Role of the State. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2015, no. 1, pp. 38-61. DOI: 10.14530/se.2015.1.038-061. (In Russian).
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