In the section Articles
Title of the article Regional Banks in the Russian Banking System
Pages 116-131
Author 1 Mikhail Vitalyevich Leonov
Candidate Economics, Research Fellow
Humboldt University of Berlin
6 Unter den Linden, Berlin, 10099, Germany
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Abstract Despite the lack of a uniform definition of «a regional bank», problems of their activities are widely discussed in the context of increasing regulation of the banking sector and creation of conditions for accelerated development of certain regions. The author analyses the Russian-language scientific literature in order to define «a regional bank» and systematize its key differences from other commercial banks. The researcher shows that the allocation of regional banks in a separate group should be related to specific features of the environment and not by endogenous factors associated with the selection of activities and balance sheet structure. The low level of financial market development and concentration of specific undiversified risks are the principal qualifiers differentiating between regional banks and other credit institutions in Russia. As classification criteria the author uses following: spatial representation (the bank does not have structural subdivisions in Moscow) and the ownership structure (among the bank’s owners there are no national and international financial groups that have a direct impact on the operations of the bank).
Code 336.712
DOI 10.14530/se.2015.2.116-131
Keywords banking regulation ♦ regional bank ♦ criteria ♦ classification ♦ structural subdivision of the bank ♦ banking services market ♦ banking system of Russia
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For citation Leonov M.V. Regional Banks in the Russian Banking System. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2015, no. 2, pp. 116-131. DOI: 10.14530/se.2015.2.116-131. (In Russian).
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