In the section Articles
Title of the article Evaluation of the Factors of Intra-Regional Income Differentiation of the Russian Population
Pages 97-119
Author 1 Marina Yuryevna Malkina
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department Head.
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod
37 Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, 603000
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Abstract The article examines intra-regional income disparities in Russia and estimates its determining factors. As methods of research the author uses absolute and relative deflation, correlation and regression analysis and calculation of elasticity coefficients. According to the results the researcher draws some conclusions. First, on the basis of the analysis by the subjects of the Russian Federation in 2004-2013 the study reveals generally positive (but different by regions) impact of real income and real wages on the rate of intra-regional differentiation of population income (the Gini coefficient). Second, the author identifies five groups of income differentiation factors and estimates their influence on the Gini coefficient and the poverty rate in the regions of the Russian Federation. Third, on the basis of the Russian regions data as of 2013 the researcher builds the regression model of dependence between the Gini coefficient and the real labour productivity, the ratio of wages and profits in GRP, the share of social transfers in the income of the population and the economic structure of the region described by a measure of wages dispersion by aggregate economic activities. The results can be useful in evaluating the effectiveness of different tools of social policy at both regional and national levels.
Code 330.34, 332.1
DOI 10.14530/se.2015.3.097-119
Keywords ♦ income ♦ population ♦ GRP ♦ Gini coefficient ♦ differentiation ♦ region ♦ Russian Federation
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For citation Malkina M.Y. Evaluation of the Factors of Intra-Regional Income Differentiation of the Russian Population. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2015, no. 3, pp. 97-119. DOI: 10.14530/se.2015.3.097-119. (In Russian).
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