In the section Surveys
Title of the article Methods of Valuation of Output Multipliers’ in the Absence of Complete Input-Output Table
Pages 148-164
Author 1 Sergey Alekseevich Voropanov
Candidate Economics, Associate Professor.
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Tolyatti Branch
23 pr-t Stepana Razina, Tolyatti, Samarskaya Oblast, Russia, 445040
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Abstract The review presents relatively little-known in the Russian literature methods to obtain estimates of output multipliers (final demand multipliers) in terms of minimum information. In these circumstances a researcher has to choose among three following approaches: 1) SBT (Survey-Based Tables) approach - independent development of regional tables on the basis of extensive one-time survey; 2) RIMS (Regional Input-Output Modeling System) approach - building estimated regional tables on the basis of national (base or calculated) tables; and 3) SM (Shortcut Methods) approach or methods of minimum information - specific calculations based on traditional statistics information or information that can be derived from traditional statistics, with the least amount of resources for its processing. The author pays special attention to the SM approach: its evolution, critique of presuppositions and results of empirical testing. The study shows that most of the numerous experiments (conducted for different countries, regions, tables of different dimensions and for different years) based on the SM approach give quite acceptable accuracy of multipliers’ estimation. On the basis of the theory of positive operators the author obtains two-sided estimates of output multipliers.
Code 303.725.34+330.44+332.05
DOI 10.14530/se.2015.4.148-164
Keywords SBT (Survey-Based Tables) ♦ RIMS (Regional Input-Output Modeling System) ♦ SM (Shortcut Methods) ♦ input-output model ♦ regional input-output analysis ♦ output multipliers ♦ final demand multipliers ♦ multipliers’ valuation methods ♦ SBT (Survey-Based Tables) ♦ RIMS (Regional Input- Output Modeling System) ♦ SM (Shortcut Methods)
Download SE.2015.4.148-164.Voropanov.pdf
For citation Voropanov S.A. Methods of Valuation of Output Multipliers’ in the Absence of Complete Input-Output Table. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2015, no. 4, pp. 148-164. DOI: 10.14530/se.2015.4.148-164. (In Russian).
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