In the section Surveys
Title of the article Economic Recession and Consumer Prices in Russia
Pages 115-131
Author 1 Leonid Markovich Grigoryev
Candidate Economics, Chief Advisor.
Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation
12 pr-t Akademika Sakharova, Moscow, Russia, 107078
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Author 2 Alexander Valeryevich Golyashev
PhD in Geography, Head of Division.
Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation
12 pr-t Akademika Sakharova, Moscow, Russia, 107078
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Author 3 Eugenia Vasilyevna Buryak
Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation
12 pr-t Akademika Sakharova, Moscow, Russia, 107078
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Author 4 Anna Andreevna Lobanova
Research Fellow
Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation
12 pr-t Akademika Sakharova, Moscow, Russia, 107078
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Author 5 Vera Petrovna Kulpina
Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation
12 pr-t Akademika Sakharova, Moscow, Russia, 107078
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Abstract The paper discusses the inflation features of the modern Russian economy in conditions of the general economic slowdown and significant devaluation of the national currency. The authors compare inflation trends in various countries in connection with the general slowdown of the global economy and the volatility of oil prices. The study examines the relationship between inflation and consumer demand for goods and services in Russia. The article also considers the regional features of changes in the level and dynamics of consumer prices. In the first (pre-crisis) period the group of financial-economic centers had the highest growth of the consumer price index and now the leaders are the less developed agricultural regions, which have the most economically vulnerable population. There is a greater resilience of diversified production-consumer systems to crisis changes in the regions. While the unemployment rate shows a worsening situation for the last year and a half. However, in the less developed regions it is continuing to decline, though maintaining at a level 2-3 times higher than the national average.
Code 338
DOI 10.14530/se.2016.1.115-131
Keywords inflation ♦ consumer price index ♦ unemployment rate ♦ regional features ♦ Russia
Download SE.2016.1.115-131.Grigoryev.pdf
For citation Grigoryev L.M., Golyashev A.V., Buryak E.V., Lobanova A.A., Kulpina V.P. Economic Recession and Consumer Prices in Russia. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2016, no. 1, pp. 115-131. DOI: 10.14530/se.2016.1.115-131. (In Russian).
References 1. Bulletin on Current Trends in the World Economy. Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, 2016, no. 4, January, 16 p. Available at: (accessed 18 February 2016). (In Russian).
2. Bulletin of Socio-Economic Crisis in Russia. The Condition of Russia’s Regions in the Crisis. Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, 2015, no. 3, July, 32 p. Available at: (accessed 11 February 2016). (In Russian).
3. Bulletin of Socio-Economic Crisis in Russia. Dynamics of Consumer Prices in Russia in the Period of Recession. Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, 2016, no. 9, January, 20 p. Available at: (accessed 18 February 2016). (In Russian).
4. Grigorev L.M., Golyashev A.V. Consumption of the Population in Conditions of Economic Recession. Human Development Report in the Russian Federation for 2015. Edited by L.M. Grigorev, S.N. Bobylev. Moscow, 2015, pp. 92–115. (In Russian).
5. Grigorev L.M., Salmina A.A. The Structure of the Russian Middle Class: Hypotheses and Preliminary Analysis. Russian Middle Class: Analysis of the Structure and Financial Behavior. Moscow, 2009, part I, pp. 5–100. (In Russian).
6. Federal State Statistic Service of the Russian Federation. Available at: (accessed 08 February 2016). (In Russian).
7. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Available at: (accessed 10 February 2016). (In Russian).
8. Euromonitor. Available at: (accessed 05 February 2016).
9. Okun A.M. Potential GNP: Its Measurement and Significance. Proceedings of the Business and Economics Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association. Washington: American Statistical Association, 1962.
10. Thomson Reuters Datastream. Available at: (accessed 29 February 2016).

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