In the section Reviews
Title of the article On the Issue of Weighting in Interregional Studies (in Response to K.P. Gluschenko)
Pages 163-184
Author 1 Marina Yuryevna Malkina
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department Head.
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod
37 Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, 603000
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Abstract This is a response to the article by K. P. Gluschenko in the journal «Spatial Economics» (2015, No. 4), where the author criticized the weighting in interregional studies, and the interregional inequality studies in particular. Examining in detail the arguments of the reviewed author, this paper shows that both approaches (weighted and unweighted) have a right to exist and are aimed at different research problems. The unweighted approach is used for estimating interregional inequality and its degree (severity), while the weighted approach reveals the extent of the problem and the income distribution disparity relative to the interregional distribution of some other parameter’s (e.g., population) values. The article describes a number of basic and additional arguments of weighting in interregional studies: it is necessary in assessing the extent of income redistribution, carrying out the decomposition of the disparity indicators and in determining the relationship between the disparity and the population dynamics and various spillover effects. The article is based on an expansive sample of both foreign and domestic literature focusing on different aspects of interregional inequality.
Code 332.1
DOI 10.14530/se.2016.1.163-184
Keywords region ♦ income ♦ population ♦ inequality ♦ interregional inequality ♦ Gini index ♦ Hoover index ♦ Theil index ♦ coefficient of variation
Download SE.2016.1.163-184.Malkina.pdf
For citation Malkina M.Y. On the Issue of Weighting in Interregional Studies (in Response to K.P. Gluschenko). Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2016, no. 1, pp. 163-184. DOI: 10.14530/se.2016.1.163-184. (In Russian).
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