In the section Articles
Title of the article East Asian Capital Markets: Integration and Convergence
Pages 81-104
Author 1 Yana Valeryevna Dyomina
Candidate Economics, Junior Research Fellow.
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153 Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, Russia, 680042
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Abstract The article examines the interdependence of East Asian stock and bond markets. Hierarchical cluster analysis of bond markets of ten regional countries shows that the most similar ones are the following: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore. In 2006-2009 Thailand also belonged with this group, however, since 2010 it is a separate cluster. The second cluster includes Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea and China, the third one - Japan, the fourth one - Vietnam. As for regional equity markets, the study shows that regional stock indices respond to the dynamics of American ones to a greater extent than to the dynamics of each other. In addition, Asian indices’ interconnection is chiefly negative. To assess stock indices’ convergence the author employs cluster analysis which divides 16 studied stock exchanges in 7 different groups. According to the obtained results, the author concludes that integration of regional capital markets is the long-term goal. Besides, markets’ integration will be easier and faster within clusters; inter-cluster mergers will be the next step. The basic problem here arises from the Japanese market, which, in the case of forced or ill-conceived program of events, will absorb all other markets or end up outside the integration processes.
Code 339.7
DOI 10.14530/se.2016.3.081-104
Keywords сluster analysis ♦ financial integration ♦ convergence ♦ stock index ♦ stock market ♦ bond market ♦ East Asia
Download SE.2016.3.081-104.Dyomina.pdf
For citation Dyomina Y.V. East Asian Capital Markets: Integration and Convergence. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2016, no. 3, pp. 81-104. DOI: 10.14530/se.2016.3.081-104. (In Russian).
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