In the section Articles
Title of the article Migration from the CIS Countries to Amur Oblast in the Context of the Synthetic Theory
Pages 105-132
Author 1 Tatiana Nikolaevna Zhuravskaya
PhD (Social Sciences), Junior Research Fellow; Senior Lecturer.
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS; Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU)
153 Tikhookeanskaya Street, Khabarovsk, 680042
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Abstract The article considers international migration from the CIS countries to the Amur region in 2010- 2014 in the context of the synthetic theory of international migration by D. Massey. It is shown that separate economic theories of migration cannot explain the CIS migrants’ choice of the Amur region as a destination. In particular, socio-economic indicators characterize the region as unattractive both for permanent (high mortality, low life expectancy, relatively low standard of living) and labor (low GRP, specialization in primary industries, high transport costs and pay for a patent) migration. The attractiveness factors of the region fit the theory of a dual labor market: the Amur region has higher wages than the countries of origin and the growing shortage of personnel. However, it is also insufficient to explain increasing migration flows from the CIS countries, which were identified on the basis of statistical data of the Federal Migration Service of the Amur region. Based on the analysis of qualitative data the author reveals the motives (economic, educational, cultural, forced, non-self-moving) and channels (social networks, intermediaries, enterprises, government programs) of migration. In general, the motivation and channels of migration in the case of the Amur region look quite traditional within the framework of economic theories. However, only a comprehensive consideration of all the issues allows determining regional specificity and answering the question about the destination choice. Sources of empirical data include following: series of keynote expert and biographical interviews carried out in 2014-2015, official statistical data of FSSS and FMS, as well as data from Amurstat, the FMS of the Amur region and the insurance company ‘Kolymskaya’
Code 314.74
DOI 10.14530/se.2016.3.105-132
Keywords migration from the CIS countries ♦ synthetic theory of international migration ♦ Amur oblast
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For citation Zhuravskaya T.N. Migration from the CIS Countries to Amur Oblast in the Context of the Synthetic Theory. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2016, no. 3, pp. 105-132. DOI: 10.14530/se.2016.3.105-132. (In Russian).
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