In the section Articles
Title of the article Territorial Organization Influence on Innovative Development of the Economy
Pages 93-111
Author 1 Stepan Stepanovich Vinokurov
Candidate Economics, Associate Professor
Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics Higher School of Economics
21, Sadovaya Street, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 191023 3, korp. 1, lit. A, Kantemirovskaya Street, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 194100
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Author 2 Pavel Alekseevich Guryanov
Candidate Economics, Associate Professor
Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics
44 Lermontovsky Prospect, St. Petersburg 190103.
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Abstract The article is devoted to the territorial aspect of dissemination of technologies in the Russian Federation as an actual problem of regional development. The choice of the innovative development model is still a controversial issue of the Russian macroeconomic policy. The authors model the process of spatial dissemination of technologies. Economic-mathematical modeling is based on the Cobb-Douglas production function and the hexagon of August Losch in the context of the theory of economic space organization. The study’s results are as follows: a spontaneous process of technological changes is more likely in circumstances when the number of regions is small; the country’s level of income is high; and the research infrastructure is developed to such an extent that the creation of new technologies and their implementation are relatively cheap. Without these conditions spontaneous innovation’s dissemination is unlikely.
Code 332.132
DOI 10.14530/se.2016.4.093-111
Keywords technologies’ dissemination ♦ innovational development ♦ accommodation theory ♦ technological changes ♦ percolation ♦ clusters ♦ macroeconomic policy ♦ economic growth ♦ regional development ♦ efficiency
Download SE.2016.4.093-111.Vinokurov.pdf
For citation Vinokurov S.S., Guryanov P.A. Territorial Organization Influence on Innovative Development of the Economy. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2016, no. 4, pp. 93-111. DOI: 10.14530/se.2016.4.093-111. (In Russian).
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