In the section Review, Discussion, Criticism
Title of the article Once Again about National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Far East Russia
Pages 165-179
Author 1 Arnold Kirilovich Tulokhonov
Academician RAS, Doctor of Sciences (Geography), Professor, Research Supervisor
Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS
6 Sakhyanovoy St., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation
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ORCID: 0000-0001-7589-7121
Author 2 Anna Semynovna Mikheeva
Doctor of Science (Economics), Chief Researcher
Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS
6 Sakhyanovoy St., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation
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ORCID: 0000-0003-1407-4441
Author 3 Taisiya Borisovna Bardakhanova
Doctor of Science (Economics), Leading Researcher
Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS
6 Sakhyanovoy St., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation
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ORCID: 0000-0002-0040-7316
Abstract The article critically evaluates the contents of the adopted National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Far East Russia for the period up to 2024 and as far as 2035. Specific examples indicate both inaccuracy in some data and the declarative nature of the tasks set in the absence of mechanisms for their implementation and scientific justification (when determining the priorities for the forest industry, mining, agricultural production, trunk infrastructure and transport accessibility, as well as the development of public health services, education and science). There is shown a lack of detail in sections describing the state of soft infrastructure and the standard of living of the indigenous peoples of the region, the reaction of the region unique in terms of natural environment, to global environmental challenges. It is stressed that the federal government is still orienting the economy of Far East Russia to extraction of mineral resources: under a great number of fields involved in the economic turnover there is even no mention of a need for complete processing of raw materials and launching production in these fields to obtain finished high-tech export products except gas chemistry. The authors conclude that it is necessary to adjust the National Program in terms of the main parameters in accordance with National Strategy of Spatial Development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, with the realities and effects of the current foreign and domestic policy of the Russian Federation
Code 332+338
JEL R11, R58, Q01
Keywords National Program ♦ National Strategy of Spatial Development ♦ enhancing investment attractiveness ♦ resource orientation of economy ♦ regulatory and legal framework ♦ Far Eastern Federal District
Download SE.2020.4.165-179.Tulokhonov.pdf
For citation Tulokhonov A.K., Mikheeva A.S., Bardakhanova T.B. Once Again about National Program for Socio-Economic Development of Far East Russia. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2020, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 165–179. (In Russian)
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Financing National Program, National Strategy of Spatial Development, enhancing investment attractiveness, resource orientation of economy, regulatory and legal framework, Far Eastern Federal District
Submitted 20.11.2020
Revised 07.12.2020
Published online 25.12.2020

ISSN (Print) 1815-9834
ISSN (Online) 2587-5957

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