In the section Articles
Title of the article The Territory Requires Coherent Work: The Role of Interregional Interactions in Economic Recovery (To the 100th Anniversary of I.G. Aleksandrov’s Work ‘Economic Regionalization of Russia’)
Pages 18-34
Author Aleksandr Vladimirovich Kotov
Candidate of Science (Economics), Senior Researcher
Institute of Europe RAS, Center for German Studies
11 Mokhovaya St., building 3B, 125009, Moscow, Russian Federation
Senior Researcher
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Center for Spatial Economics
82 Vernadsky Av., Moscow, 119571, Russian Federation
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2990-3097
Abstract The coronavirus pandemic has acted as a catalyst for discussions on the choice of economic policies for recovery from the crisis. This research focuses on one of the aspects of this problem, aiming to analyse interregional interactions, the activation of which can become a driver of growth. Based on the idea of ‘double circulation’ from the China’s 14th Five-Year Plan, we demonstrate that Russia also has the ability to shift the focus of economic policy towards expanding the domestic market and developing ties between regions. The paper draws parallels between the early 1920s and 2020s. It is noted that the need to overcome economic depression was determined by justifying close cooperation of individual regions in Russia. The article describes the use of interregional interactions as a tool for spatial development based on the existing federal strategic plans. The study demonstrates that that the task of strengthening interregional interactions is only briefly touched upon in the plans. However, it is important to note that this process balances the constraints and opportunities for the development of the whole country. The analysis of the spatial markets’ hierarchy in the context of economic macro-regions revealed their incomplete nature as complete economic systems. The obtained results show that in order for the idea of macro-regions to actually work, real interregional projects should appear inside of these macro-regions. It is determined that on the international level the demand for special tools for enhancing interregional interactions is gradually growing. The author proposes measures based on successful examples to support such interregional interactions in Russia. Finally, the author concludes that in the current situation the increase in interregional interactions can positively affect the economic development of Russia as well as create new spatially distributed value-added chains
Code 332.122+332.135
JEL R11, R12, R58
Keywords interregional interactions ♦ economic zoning ♦ economic macroregions ♦ strategic planning ♦ interregional trade ♦ spatial development strategy ♦ complex investment projects ♦ Russia
Download SE.2021.1.018-034.Kotov.pdf
For citation Kotov A.V. The Territory Requires Coherent Work: The Role of Interregional Interactions in Economic Recovery (To the 100th Anniversary of I.G. Aleksandrov’s Work ‘Economic Regionalization of Russia’). Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2021, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 18–34. (In Russian)
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Financing The study was supported by a state assignment of the RANEPA and was presented at the section ‘Regional and Spatial Economics’ at the IV Russian Economic Congress
Submitted 07.01.2021
Revised 25.01.2021
Published online 30.03.2021

ISSN (Print) 1815-9834
ISSN (Online) 2587-5957

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