In the section Review, Discussion, Criticism
Title of the article Transformation оf the Relationship between Public Production and Consumption’ Means: The Imperatives of the New Reality
Pages 163-189
Author 1 Alexandr Alexandrovich Ermolenko
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Independent Researcher
7 via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, Montecatini-Terme, 51016, Italia
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ORCID: 0000-0001-9344-2518
Author 2 Stanislav Valeryevich Naumov
Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Independent Researcher
29 Lazorevaya St., Volgograd, 400086, Russian Federation
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ORCID: 0000-0002-3568-3783
Abstract The authors justify the necessity of a transformation of the value conversation method of the interrelationship between public production and consumption on the basis of filling it with associated forms of relationships. At the same time, they proceed from the idea of the new reality as a new qualitative state of the existing form of society, which came after passing the threshold of accumulated critical issues generated by deep technological shifts and following social transformations. The long-time ‘society vis a vis nature’ interaction based on the value conversation method of the interrelationship between social production and consumption has come to a deadlock. The way out of it lies in the development of collaborative relationships based on the coordination of interests and positive cooperation of the main participants of social reproduction. In the new reality it is imperative to limit the manipulation of consumers carried out by giant corporations over the course of decades with an actual acquiescence of the state, which has resulted in a rapid growth of imposed erroneous goods as part of consumed products leading to huge losses of public time and resources. Further development is hindered by an excessive polarization of capital, which causes the alienation of a significant part of society from participation in further transformations, pushing it to the destructive periphery of socio-economic life. The imperatives of the new reality determine a number of conceptual aspects of two interrelated processes: dialectical denial of the value measured method of the relationship between public production and consumption, and preparation of prerequisites for the formation of an associated method of this relationship. Under conditions of high uncertainty, the sustainability of long product development chains can be ensured by further development of collaboration resulting in greater cooperation between economic subjects. The new reality calls for forms of associated interaction between participants in product chains that reduces the level of decision-making uncertainty. The article justifies the necessity of setting a special group of goals for forming a course of socio-economic policy corresponding to the new reality; these goals are aimed at overcoming manipulation in seller-consumer relationships
Code 330
JEL A12, O30, P12
Keywords political economy ♦ means of the relationship between public production and consumption ♦ value ♦ association ♦ personal dependence ♦ transformations ♦ contradictions ♦ imperatives of the new reality ♦ the cost of achieving development goals
Download SE.2021.1.163-189.Ermolenko.pdf
For citation Ermolenko A.A., Naumov S.V. Transformation оf the Relationship between Public Production and Consumption’ Means: The Imperatives of the New Reality. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2021, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 163–189. (In Russian)
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Submitted 11.09.2020
Revised 05.02.2021
Published online 30.03.2021

ISSN (Print) 1815-9834
ISSN (Online) 2587-5957

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