In the section From the Chief Editor
Title of the article The Economics of Force Majeure: The Price of ‘Financial Stability’
Pages 7-27
Author Pavel Aleksandrovich Minakir
Academician RAS, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Research Supervisor
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
153 Tikhookeanskaya St., Khabarovsk, 680042, Russian Federation
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ORCID: 0000-0002-5451-5662
Abstract In this paper, it is shown that, despite a tremendous number of sanctions that significantly modify the conditions of financial and economic equilibrium in Russia, the basic mechanisms, priorities and construction of the goals of the financial and economic policy have not changed. This is especially true for monetary and fiscal policy. The analysis of the parameters and results of budget planning for 2022–2023 has been carried out. Although there are no catastrophic failures of macroeconomic indicators according to the Ministry of Finance in 2022 and the official projections of the 2023 budget do not promise an increase in problems, the discrepancy between the actual possibilities to increase revenues and the imperative requirements to increase budget expenditures signal a serious deterioration of the budget situation, which requires urgent and adequate solutions. The author discusses the prospect of the state budget deficit turning into a permanent phenomenon accompanying the country’s economic development for a long period, due to the indefinite period of revenue suppression and acceleration of state budget expenditures, the reasons of which are long military expenditures and the duration of restructuring the structure and mechanisms of global and subglobal financial and economic interactions. In this paper, estimates of the budget deficit, which are alternative to the official data, have been made; estimates of real sizes and dynamics of budget deficits are proposed; and the concept of hierarchy and target concentration of budget expenditures is argued. The main tools for financing budget deficits (the National Welfare Fund, ruble devaluation, money emission, government borrowings) are analyzed, the possibilities and potential limits of their use are shown. It is shown that all of them, except domestic government borrowings, give a short-term effect and at the same time have a negative impact on macroeconomic equilibrium. The possibilities, direct and indirect consequences of the policy of reduction of budget expenditures are considered
Code 336+339
JEL G28, H61, H63
Keywords budget, deficit, revenues, expenditures, sources of financing, savings, inflation, devaluation, money emission, transfers, targeting, Russia
Download SE.2023.2.007-027.Minakir.pdf
For citation Minakir P.A. The Economics of Force Majeure: The Price of ‘Financial Stability’. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2023, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 7–27. (In Russian)
References 1. Administration of the President of Russia. List of Instructions Following the Meeting on Economic Issues, 2023. Available at: (accessed May 2023). (In Russian).
2. Ershov M.V. Report at the Congress of the Association of Russian Banks, 2023., 2023. Available at: (accessed May 2023). (In Russian).
3. Minakir P.А. The Foreign Trade Factor of the Force Majeure Economy: A Spatial Maneuver. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2023, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 7–19. (In Russian).
4. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. About the Average Price of Urals Crude Oil, 2023. Available at: (accessed May 2023). (In Russian).
5. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Budget for Citizens. To the Federal Law on the Federal Budget for 2023 and for the Planning Period of 2024 and 2025. Moscow, 2023, 64 p. Available at: (accessed May 2023). (In Russian).
6. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Execution of the Federal Budget and Budgets of the Budgetary System of the Russian Federation for 2021. Moscow, 2022, 138 p. Available at: (accessed May 2023). (In Russian).
7. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Execution of the Federal Budget and Budgets of the Budgetary System of the Russian Federation for 2022 (Preliminary Results). Moscow, 2023, 130 p. Available at: (accessed May 2023). (In Russian).
8. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. On the Results of the Placement of Funds of the National Welfare Fund, 2023, 18 January. Available at: (accessed May 2023). (In Russian).
9. Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Preliminary Assessment of the Federal Budget Execution for January–April 2023, 2023. Available at: (accessed May 2023). (In Russian).
10. Money Supply (National Definition). Bank of Russia, 2023. Available at: (accessed May 2023). (In Russian).
11. On the Execution of the Federal Budget for 2021: Federal Law No. 249-FZ of 14 July 2022. Available at: (accessed May 2023). (In Russian).
12. On the Federal Budget for 2023 and for Planning Period of 2024 and 2025: Federal Law No. 466-FZ of 5 December 2022. Available at: (accessed May 2023). (In Russian).
Submitted 27.05.2023
Approved after reviewing 31.05.2023
Accepted for publication 09.06.2023
Available online 30.06.2023

ISSN (Print) 1815-9834
ISSN (Online) 2587-5957

Minakir Pavel Aleksandrovich,

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