In the section Review, Discussion, Criticism
Title of the article Smart City Ecosystem: Assessment of the Sustainability
Pages 160-172
Author Evgeny Vasilievich Popov
Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the Center for Socio-economic investigations
Institute of Economics Ural Branch of RAS
29 Moskovskay St., Ekaterinburg, 620014, Russian Federation
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ORCID: 0000-0002-5513-5020
Abstract This paper is concerned with studying the problems of smart city ecosystem functioning. The work considers the influence on ecosystem sustainability of external and internal influences on infrastructural, network, digital, institutional, resource elements of a smart city. The author proposes the principles of assessing the sustainability of a smart city ecosystem (infrastructural saturation, the level of development of network connections and digital technologies, the absence of failures of the institutional environment, minimization of transaction costs), implemented through the indicators of the number of stakeholders, the use of network and digital potential of the municipality, the level of institutional saturation, determined by the method of building an institutional atlas, the level of comparative transaction costs, determined by the construction of transaction functions. The author also proposes possible directions of further research in terms of expanding the theoretical and instrumental base of research
Code 338.342.44
JEL L26, M21, M11
Keywords ecosystems, smart cities, sustainability, infrastructure, networks, digital technologies, institutions, transaction costs
Download SE.2023.3.160-172.Popov.pdf
For citation Popov E.V. Smart Сity Ecosystem: Assessment of the Sustainability. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2023, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 160–172. (In Russian)
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Financing This research was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation under the research project No. 22-28-00439 ‘Institutional Configuration of Sustainable Development of Smart City’
Submitted 02.02.2023
Approved after reviewing 18.07.2023
Accepted for publication 28.08.2023
Available online 02.10.2023

ISSN (Print) 1815-9834
ISSN (Online) 2587-5957

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