In the section Articles
Title of the article Basic Properties and Problem Fields of Scientific-Innovation Space of the Region
Pages 103-118
Author 1 Alexey Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher
Institute of Regional Economy’s Problems RAS
38 Serpukhovskaya Street, St. Petersburg, Russia. 190013
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Abstract Increasing scale of the scientific-innovative activity in administrative-territorial units, complicating structure of the regional scientific-innovative complexes and development of inter-regional horizontal and vertical ties expand the space of the scientific and innovation activity research of which primarily involves the development of theoretical and methodological provisions. Basing on the philosophical category «space», the paper describes main properties of the scientific-innovative space of the region and the factors causing them. The author identified problem fields as the direction of possible transformation of scientific-innovative space of the region. The analysis allowed defining some features of the scientific and innovation space and problems of development. The obtained results show the feasibility of study of the scientific-innovative activity in the spatial dimension.
Code 338.242:001
DOI 10.14530/se.2013.2.103-118
Keywords ♦ region ♦ research-innovative space ♦ properties ♦ problem fields
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For citation Rumyantsev A.A. Basic Properties and Problem Fields of Scientific-Innovation Space of the Region. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2013, no. 2, pp. 103-118. DOI: 10.14530/se.2013.2.103-118. (In Russian).
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