In the section Articles
Title of the article Spatial Distribution of Investment in Russia: Impact on Inter-Regional Inequality
Pages 26-43
Author 1 Anna Vasilyevna Belousova
Economic Research Institute FEB RAS
Candidate Economics, Research Fellow
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Abstract Using the official data on the subjects of the Russian Federation the author assesses the impact of variations of the spatial distribution of investment in 2012 on the dynamics of regional disparities in 2011-2012 by per capita GRP and the overall indicator - the level of economic development. This general index can be evaluated on the basis of combination of two target indicators - economic dynamics and the region’s welfare. To study the spatial distribution of investment as a factor of inter- regional inequality the researcher employs panel data regression analysis of regional investment, individual indicators that make up the overall index of economic development and two-factor Cobb - Douglas production function. The author identifies 4 groups of the subjects of the Russian Federation by the level of economic development: highly developed, developed, middle-developed and least developed ones. The study shows that a high value of investments per region in the group of high-developed ones boosts the national economy and reduces regional inequalities on both counts. However, an equal spatial distribution of investments decreases Russia’s GDP and regional disparities in total.
Code 332.12:330.34
DOI 10.14530/se.2014.3.26-43
Keywords ♦ spatial distribution of investments ♦ inter-regional inequality ♦ integral index ♦ level of economic development ♦ grouping of regions ♦ subject of the Russian Federation
Download SE.2014.3.026-043.Belousova.pdf
For citation Belousova A.V. Spatial Distribution of Investment in Russia: Impact on Inter-Regional Inequality. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2014, no. 3, pp. 26-43. DOI: 10.14530/se.2014.3.26-43. (In Russian).
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