In the section Articles
Title of the article Do Institutions Matter in Spatial Economics?
Pages 14-37
Author 1 Daniil Petrovich Frolov
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chair.
Volgograd State University
100 Universitetskiy pr-t, Volgograd, Russia, 400062
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Abstract The article discusses the importance of institutions as the subject of spatial analysis, component of economic space and object of territorial strategic regulation. The author identifies methodological contradictions of the modern theory of spatial economics associated with contrast between institutional and geographical factors, ignoring polymorphism of institutions, the role of institutional configurations and the prevalence of exogenous interpretation of institutions. The author also classifies problems of measuring the quality of institutions and their integration in territorial strategies, including ignoring the interplay between institutions and other factors of spatial development, the absolutization of the role of integral indicators, the weakness of the methodological and methodical bases of formation of institutionalization strategies at regional and local levels
Code 330.8
DOI 10.14530/se.2015.1.014-037
Keywords ♦ institutions ♦ economic space ♦ institutional configurations ♦ institutionalization strategy ♦ cognitive-institutional approach
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For citation Frolov D.P. Do Institutions Matter in Spatial Economics?. Prostranstvennaya Ekonomika = Spatial Economics, 2015, no. 1, pp. 14-37. DOI: 10.14530/se.2015.1.014-037. (In Russian).
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